Week 1 - Goose Pond Marina to Joe Wheeler State Park

Sunday, October 23, 2022 to Saturday October 30, 2022

We finally got off the dock after several months of preparing our Rossbourough 246 for the 6000-mile journey called America's Great Loop.  We were lucky to have made so many new friends that helped us outfit our new home on the water.  Because we left so late in the afternoon the first night we only made it out of the channel and 'dropped the hook'.  It was so nice to watch the sunset from Little Bit More, the same sunsets we'd been enjoying while we lived at the dock!


Goose Pond Marina to Guntersville Marina

The first lock of our journey was the Guntersville Dam, with beautiful weather and no delays.

We stayed at Guntersville Marina for a couple of nights while Scott completed installing our lithium/solar solution for house power. 

This is a nice marina with clean showers and free laundry.

Guntersville Marina to Ditto Landing Marina

US Space and Rocket Museum 
Huntsville, Alabama

The cruise from Guntersville Marina to Ditto Landing Marina was calm and beautiful.  The fall colors are really beginning to show off.  

While we were at Goose Pond Marina this summer working on the boat we often drove to Huntersville to get supplies, the drive was about 45 minutes.  It's taken us two days to get to Huntsville via the boat, life does slow way down on the water.

We took a side trip to the US Space and Rocket Museum and it is well worth the entrance fee of $30.  The museum starts slow with exhibits of the space program as it developed and then we took a tour with a lovely docent that guided us step by step through the entire moon landing.  I remember the first time I heard the words, "One small step for man...." and it chokes me up every time.

Ditto Landing to Joe Wheeler State Park Marina

Another beautiful cruise downriver to Joe Wheeler State Park.  No reservations are required and lots of slips are available.  The weather turned on us and was raining and cold so we weren't able to take advantage of all of the great bike trails.


  1. Looks like you guys are having a GREAT time. Give us a call sometime. Larry and Jane Richardson at 770-329-9518. Would love to catch up with you. Got your Christmas Card.

  2. That sounds like a wonderful adventure. What a nice way to travel. Thank you for the Christmas card. It is always nice to hear from you. I look forward to following your adventure.


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