Week 13 - Perdido to Destin - With a Side Trip to Texas

January 15, 2023 to January 21, 2023

A break from the boat

San Juan Texas and Dad's 90th Birthday Celebration!

We had one more family obligation before we could get our Loop journey back underway and that was to celebrate my Dad's 90th birthday in San Juan Texas. We left the boat in Demoplis, AL, and flew to Texas for the celebration.  Amazing weekend with my family and honoring a truly great man, husband, father, grandfather, and great grandfather.  We love you Dad!!

Perdido to Ft. McCree Anchorage

Short cruise today to a beautiful anchorage where we ‘beached’ the Rossi

for the first time.  We were able to explore the beach and island.  Unfortunately, when we woke in the morning the tide had gone out so far that we could not get the boat off the beach and were forced once again to slow down and wait for the tide to come up.  We were underway by 2:00 pm.

Ft. Mcree to Sabine Anchorage

Another short cruise day to a very shallow anchorage in Sabine Harbor.  We did pull anchor at about 2:00 am and were awakened to the dreaded alarm that our anchor had pulled.  The water was so shallow Scott jumped in the water and pushed the Rossi to deeper water, while I was at the helm ready to reset the anchor.  All good, but I won’t lie I didn’t sleep well the rest of the night.

On to Destin and Blue Water Bay Marina

Blue Water Bay Marina is on the east side of Choctawhatcee Bay. 

A well-maintained small marina where several live aboard boater's make this their home.  We took advantage of the time and Scott installed our AIS (Automattic Indentification System).  This system integrates with Garmin chartplotter (think nautical chart) ,and alerts us of other boats in our area and if they have AIS they also know about us.  A great safety feature when boating in bad weather which we would soon find out.



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