Week 25 This Week started out very quiet! Then it Flooded

Sunday - Happy Easter!

The day began with a lot of sunshine and a beautiful Easter Service at Downtown Harbor Church. DHC holds services at the Museum of Science and Nature in the IMAX theatre.  The pastor delivered a message packed with scripture all beautifully delivered with the central theme being that, the fact that our savior rose from the dead and that changes everything!

We took a leisurely walk back to the boat and then it started to rain and rain and rain. 

Monday and Tuesday
A visit to Sailorman and West Marine

If you own a boat and are in the Ft. Lauderdale area don't miss Sailorman. https://www.sailorman.com/ Part consignment, partly used boat parts, and a lot of new products are all packed into a huge warehouse.  We scored some cleats, flags, and other odds and ends.  If you can't find it at Sailorman, the biggest West Marine we've ever been in is two blocks away. We scored a new Rocna 22 lb anchor, I'm calling it boat jewelry!

Oh, and Happy Birthday
to my sweet sister Christine!

More rain today and bailing the dinghy!


A SpeakEasy, a Flood, and a night in a hotel

Scott found another Speakeasy Room 901, located in the Hyatt on the 9th floor.  When entering the hotel you give them the password, and they give you a key to enter the speakeasy.  Looked like a regular hotel door.  When we opened it we were met with a luxurious dark interior and 4 tables and a bar. We enjoyed some delicious cocktails and dinner. 

Room 901 Hyatt Ft. Lauderdale https://www.travelandleisure.com/hotels-resorts/hyatt-centric-las-olas-fort-lauderdale-901-speakeasy-guest-room 

After a lovely evening, we re-entered the Hyatt lobby at 9:00 pm and people were crowded at the entrance of the hotel. 18" of rain had fallen since we were enjoying dinner and water was lapping at the hotel steps. The hotel was full, so Scott got online and booked a hotel 4 blocks away. We had our umbrellas and set out. The 'slog' through the water reached the tops of our legs at points and cars were abandoned everywhere.  We felt our way along the four blocks with our feet and crossed our fingers we wouldn't step on anything dangerous. We made it to our hotel and spent a restless night not knowing what we would find in the morning at the marina.


Cleaning Up the Mess

We were able to walk back to the marina from our hotel. Crews were already busy cleaning and towing cars. I was a little apprehensive as we made our way closer when we saw one of the big yachts stern-half in the water.  We were lucky...We learned from others in the marina that the water went over the docks by 18". Our boat was dry inside and had no damage to the exterior. Apart from all of the debris on the docs, you would never know that a once in the 1000 year flood had occurred during the night. The news reported that over 25" of rain fell in a 24-hour period.

More rain is in the forecast.....

Giving up on a Bahama Crossing

We have been in this beautiful marina for 10 days waiting on a possible weather window to cross to Bimini Bahama.  After hours of watching weather apps, talking with other boaters waiting we decided to throw in the towel and keep that on the bucket list.  The rest of  the day was busy cleaning, provisioning, and pumping out the boat to get ready for the next leg of our journey. After a long day, we enjoyed a great meal at Chimney Rock Restaurant.

Leaving Ft. Lauderdale

We left Cooley Landing on a 
beautiful sunny day and cruised the New River without having to navigate around too many large yachts.

We had a beautiful cruise with several bridge 
openings. Always thankful for our 13 ft. height so we can get under many of the bridges without waiting for an opening. We cruised past a very busy Lake Worth and found a quiet anchorage.

Take a look at the sidebar under 

Things You Might Find Interesting - Where We Are Now 

for a Google Map of our tracks!


  1. Oh my! So glad you guys (& the boat!) made it through the flooding OK!


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