Week 28 - Still cooling our heals in Daytona Beach


Today was quiet, we will travel a few short miles to Seven Seas Marina and Boatyard in the morning to haul out and have the new ECM unit installed.

Monday - Tuesday
Little Bit More gets a ride

First an early morning cruise and preparation for our haulout. Seven Seas is a working marina started in the 50s with the original owners still active. It's always a little nerve-wracking to watch your boat swing in these massive lifts. The dock hands are very easy to work with and are very efficient.

Wednesday - Friday
A glimmer of hope and then more parts needed

Kombucha Breakfast

The starboard engine started right up after the new ECM was installed, BUT we had no electronic connection with the engine.  That meant that we could not measure how fast the engine was running so yet another part had to be ordered. On Friday the mechanic had the new electronics installed in less than an hour AND we are leaving in the morning! We have had a nice couple of weeks but are anxious to get going!

Cinco de Mayo!

We joined the Cinco de Mayo street party for some great food and music. The weather was great and we really enjoyed the celebration. Daytona is undergoing a huge renovation to its downtown and will be fun to return someday.  Looking forward to leaving in the morning and exploring new areas along the AICW!

Saturday Daytona to St. Augustine
We are on our way again!

The engines fired right up and we left the dock at about 8:00 am. We were so happy to be moving again and thankful that all systems are working. The plan was a relatively long day of cruising with the goal to arrive in St. Augustine by dusk.  We successfully hooked the mooring ball and settled in for a quiet, rainy and rolly evening.

St. Augustine is jammed with history and claims to be one of the oldest cities in the US.  (We're from NM so Santa Fe also lays claim to that distinction!) We visited this beautiful city during COVID and toured the fort and maritime museum so this time we did not go ashore. 


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