Week 31 Beaufort SC

Sunday, May 21, 2023
Beaufort Safe Harbor Marina

The great news is, Little Bit More is docked right at the end of the ramp leading to beautiful Beaufort SC - the not-so-good news is that the starboard engine is completely shut down.  When Scott pulled the oil dipstick, the oil literally shot out of the port.  This could only mean one of two things, either water or fuel is making its way into the oil.  We decided to book a week here to try once again to find an 'expert' and also wait out the storm that is forecasted.

We woke to a beautiful blue sky and warm weather. Scott is already busy forming a plan on what to do. He decided to change the oil and the plugs which is very messy and tricky when hovering over the transom. He also ordered a new thermostat after speaking with one mechanic. More parts getting thrown at this engine....

Not to be deterred Scott scheduled a tour with Janet's' Walking Tours.  This festy and very knowledgeable native of Beaufort leads us through the history of the Civil War to the present-day locations for several movies including "Forest Gump's" iconic run across the 'bridge' and "The Big Chill".  Beaufort was founded in 1711 and is the second oldest city after Charleston. Prior to the Civil War, many wealthy plantations grew rice, indigo, and cotton.  Of course, their profits were based on slave labor.  During the Civil War the Union captured the city and because the town leaders did not resist the town was not burned and 9 hospitals were set up in the mansions.  Harriot Tubman was said to be one of the many nurses that cared for both Union and Confederate soldiers.  We also learned the fascinating story of Robert Smalls, a slave that grew to be elected to the US House of Representatives, a successful businessman, and a mariner.  Read the book 'Trouble The Waters', a historical fiction treasure that is based on Robert Small's life.

We were watching the weather closely as a sub-tropical storm was right off the coast of where we are. The forecast is 50-mile-per-hour winds and 5 ft swells due to move onshore sometime this week.  We decided to stay through Memorial Day weekend. 

The blue dot at the end of the red arrow is our boat!

The Annual Gullah festival was scheduled for this Memorial Day Weekend and we hoped to take it in. Unfortunately, the weather was rainy, cold, and extremely windy. We felt terrible for all of the vendors that worked so hard.

We were on the dock with other Loopers and enjoyed docktails and a great meal with
"The Walrus" and "Always Someday".

We also enjoyed a long bike ride to Pigeon Point as we visited multiple marine shops searching for a mechanic. Towards the end of the week as the weather began to clear we decided to head to Charleston on one engine and try our luck there.

Sites To Explore
Beaufort Visitors Site

Janets Walking Tour

Robert Smalls


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